The Solution to Streamline Investment Planning and Management

PeRMit: Realize your needs

County Councils

Including 75+ hospitals and public transport divisions

SEK/Year Processed

Investments processed within Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and UK

Medical, IT & Real-Estate

For investment in medical, IT, real-estate, office material, and vehicle fleets

10+ Years Experience

Professional and affordable software solutions that gives value back

Streamline Your Investment Operations

Made for investments and purchasing.

Streamline the entire process from investment request to final purchase and implementation

Get an overview and control prioritisation, qualification, capital requirement for both planned and urgent/unplanned investments.

Take control

PeRMit enables you to have quality-assurance and get improved efficiency during the investment process, while also providing transparency for all stakeholders.

Increase coordination and easy follow-ups

Increase the opportunity to coordinate investments and allow for easy follow-ups during the investment process.

Continuous development with our customers

PeRMit is regularly updated from the feedback provided by you, our customer.

How Can PeRMit Support Your Activities?

See how PeRMit can meet your specific needs.

PeRMit for


Effectively budget planned and unplanned investments in your healthcare organisation through a transparent investment workflow and efficient capital utilisation.

PeRMit for


Streamline your estate and facility investment
operations with a customisable solution
offering a proactive investment approach,
ensuring optimal capital utilisation and
streamlined processes.

PeRMit for


Get traceability and detailed information about
desired and implemented investments of assets for all kind of departments and organisations.

Benefits of Using PeRMit

Designed and developed together with a reference group from the beginning.

Improved Decision-Making Basis and Capital Utilisation

Get traceable and detailed information about desired and implemented investments. As a result, you will get a better decision-making basis and more efficient capital utilisation.

Customisable to Your Organisational Needs

PeRMit can be customised to meet your needs. The flow can be defined by type of purchase request as well as who is allowed to approve and what is required for qualifying the requests.

Qualification and Trustability

All experts can contribute to the qualification of an investment request. The request is kept in its origin, trustful for all involved.

Deployable On-Premise or Cloud

PeRMit can operate both as a SaaS and on-premise solution. Accessible on from anywhere in your web browser, based on your settings.

What Are Your Investment Needs?

Offering a proactive approach for all types of investments.

Medical Equipment

Art & IP

Various Assets




IT Assets





Work Machines

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